Email & Collaboration

Email, web-conferencing, file sharing

Categories (2)

Web Conferencing

Articles on using Google Meet, and Zoom - the supported video conferencing systems of UM-Dearborn.


Guides on how to use UM Slack.

Articles (17)

Accessing the UM-Dearborn Home Drive

How to Access your Home Drive.

Creating, Changing and Maintaining Mcommunity Groups

This guide is an overview to properly using the MCommunity Directory. It includes management of individual profiles, as well as management of groups and how to modify them to best fit the user's needs.

Dropbox: Using Selective Sync Folders (Personal / Sensitive Information)

How to add or remove files/folders from syncing with dropbox.

Email Getting Started Guide

Learn about U-M Google

Enable Team Folders in Dropbox Sync

Details how to choose what folders show up in the Dropbox Sync application. Useful for enabling shared Team Folders.

Forwarding Email in MCommunity

This article talks about how to forward U-M mail to different address and/or stop U-M email forwarding to another email address.

Google Calendar Appointment Slots

This article talks about how to how to make Google Calendar appointments so students can make appoints with their professors during their office hours.

Obtaining a U-M Google Shared Account

Help obtaining a M+Google Shared Account

Opting-in/out of UM-Dearborn Mcommunity Email Groups

Guide on how to opt-in/out of email groups.

Recommended format for using the University of Michigan brand in an email

This guide is for informing faculty, staff, and service desk members how to properly format their emails to the University of Michigan standard.

Sending NON-business emails to Everybody

This guide is to inform faculty and staff on how to send non-business related emails to their fellow faculty and staff members. These email lists are migrated and hosted on MCommunity. These emails can be used to contact the entire faculty/staff body as a whole in regarding to special events, free supplies, engage in academic debate, etc.