Sending NON-business emails to Everybody


How do I send a NON-business related email to all UM-Dearborn faculty and staff members?



Please ensure that the infomration you are sending to these groups complies with the Responsible Use of Information Resources

  1.  Compose a new message
  2.  Address email to one of the following groups 

3. Click send

Since it is NOT a moderated account, the message will be delivered immediately. 

If someone wants to remove themselves from the FYI or Forum email group, please see Opting-in/out of UM-Dearborn Mcommunity Email Groups for more information

For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:

Opting-in/out of UM-Dearborn Mcommunity Email Groups

Email Groups at UM-Dearborn

Still Need assistance? See the following related services:

Email and Calendar Services

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