Creating, Changing and Maintaining Mcommunity Groups


How do I create, change, and/or maintain Mcommunity Groups.


This document contains instructions for creating and managing groups in the MCommunity Directory  Note that only members of the University of Michigan community who have their own directory profiles can create and manage groups in the directory.

For details about how you can become a member of (and remove yourself from) groups in the MCommunity Directory, see Managing Your Membership in MCommunity Directory Groups.

Note: Most changes you make to your MCommunity Directory profile or groups take effect immediately or within a couple minutes.  Some changes, particularly those that must get to multiple systems, may take longer.  For more information, see When will my MCommunity changes be made?


Please see the following links for management of various groups on the MCommunity Directory:

For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:

Obtaining a U-M Google Shared Account

Opting-in/out of UM-Dearborn Mcommunity Email Groups

Still Need assistance? See the following related services:

Email and Calendar Services

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