LibCal: Reserving a Time


How do I reserve a space in LibCal?


Anyone with U of M credentials can access the LibCal and select a time to reserve. 


To reserve a space or seat in an area that is managed by LibCal visit the web page Faculty/Staff Workspace in UC2101


The page will default to the current day. Since all reservations must be made three days in advance the first thing that is recommended is for you to click on  the "Next Available" button. This will forward you to the next day with available spaces.


The reservations page shows available hours and times. All available hours are green. Red indicates that the space has already beeen reserved. Grey indicates the room is closed.


Please note that if the window is not large enough that there is a scroll bar at the bottom to see more hours. There are also links to show additional pages that list more spaces.


To reserve a space simply click in the desired time block.


Then click the "Submit Times" button. LibCal uses the U of M Single Sign On system, so at this point you may or may not be asked to login. If so, use your normal unique name and password.


The details of the booking will be shown. Click the "Continue" button to confirm the details.


This screen is the subission form which for Dearborn is simply a name and email, and since you have already signed in it will already be prepopulated and uneditable. So just click the "Submit my Booking" button to complete the reservation.


Now your booking is complete. You can log out or make another booking. 

You will be sent an email confirming your reservation.

For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:

LibCal: Checking Confirmed Bookings

Still Need assistance? See the following related services:

Problems with UM-Dearborn affiliated account


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