How do I setup my personal U of M - Dearborn?
Some customers would like to know how to setup their personal web page.
Note: We highly recommend using a Google Sites webpage instead of this legacy service. There are built-in access controls for Google Sites, allowing you to restrict access to the University of Michigan community, or even specific individuals or MCommunity groups. You can also grant other UM users editing rights to such a site. Google has documentation regarding sites.
You may also be eligible for a "" site which is hosted through the A2 campus, and has information here:
1. If you are off campus, you will need to connect to the VPN and map your H drive. The following articles will walk you through those processes:
2. Navigate to H:/Public/HTML
- On a Mac, click on the block M in the top-right corner (university machines), or in the left-hand panel of the Finder window (personal machine).
- On a PC, double-click on This PC (Windows 10) or Computer (Windows 7).
3. Place your homepage, named index.html, in this folder.
Note: ITS does NOT create web pages. You must create your own index.html file.

4. If you would like to enable PHP on your web page, create a file in the H:/Public/HTML folder named .htaccess . The contents of the file should be php_flag engine on , as shown below.
Note: The file .htaccess will be hidden by default. Click on the View tab and make sure Hidden items is checked to make it visible.

5. To view your webpage, navigate to .
Note: Replace UNIQNAME with your Uniqname in all lowercase letters.
For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:
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