Perceptive Experience : Content Apps - Capturing


I need to import a document into Perceptive Content using the web client Perceptive Experience Content Apps.


Use Content Capture to import files from your desk into Perceptive Content.


Login to Perceptive Experience.

Click the Capture App button


Select the Capture profile you want to use.

The profile determines what keys are used to store the document and what drawer it will be stored in.

Select Capture Profile


To start the import click the "Capture" button, or double click inside the large "Scanning" button in the middle of the preview area. 


A file upload dialog box will open. Files can be added either by clicking the "Browse" button and selecting files from a pop-up file browser,

Browse for File


or by dragging and dropping from your computer to the grey area behind the browse button. Multiple files can be chosen, but they will all be considered part of the same document in Perceptive Content.


Click "Done" when all of the files are selected.

Files Selected


After selecting the documents thumbnails for each page will appear. There may or may not be a preview depending on what type of document was uploaded. If, for some reason, the wrong document was imported you can delete it with the "Delete" button at the bottom of the preview area.

Fill out the keys (document properties) with the correct identifying information. Some keys may be preset by the application plan. In our example on the Student ID and the Document Type can be changed. Many application plans ask for more, up to five different pieces of, information.

Preview of selected file


After everything is set be sure to remember to click the "Save" button. 

Save the File


For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:

Perceptive Content : Lists

Perceptive Content - Unable to Login - Server Disconnect

Perceptive Experience Content Apps - Viewing

Perceptive Experience Content Apps - Starting

Still Need assistance? See the following related services:


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