I need to create an application plan for a scanner or file import capture profile.
To create a capture profile you need to make an application plan first. The application plan determines where the captured documents will be stored, and what keys, or document properties, will be used to identify the document.
Login to the Perceptive Content Desktop application. Then click the "Manage" button. Please note that not everyone has permissions to do this. If that is the case you will have to contact a department manager for Perceptive Content and have them create your Application Plan or request rights to be a manager from ITS.

Select the "Default" department.

Open the Application Plans by clicking the "plus" icon. The six kinds of plans that can be made will be listed.
For scanners and file imports select the "External User." The other application plans will be covered in separate KB articles.
Click the "New" button.

Give the Application Plan a name and description. I would recommend starting the name with the department or drawer that application plan is for. This will make it easier to find when selecting it later. Please also give it a clear description. It will help out future users and technicians.
Click "OK."

A window will pop up for setting the document keys. The most important thing to know here is; Do NOT change the Document Name key. Perceptive Content will assign a unique name to all documents. If documents are given explicit names they are stored in a different manner and may be hard to locate.

First, select the drawer where the documents will be stored. Click the "Edit" (pencil) icon on the right side.
Select the source:
- System Drawer - You select the Drawer that all documents captured with this application plan will be stored in.
- System Drawer List - The user can select drawer at the time that the document is captured.
- Barcode - The drawer is selected by reading a barcode on the first page of the document. (Currently not implemented)

If the source was set to "System Drawer" then select the drawer you want to store all the documents in.

Secondly, set document keys. They are Field1 through Field5 and the Document Type. Before proceeding let me stress again, do not change the "Document Name" setting.
There are quite a few things to consider when setting up key. I would recommend if possible, matching the document keys of the other documents in the drawer chosen above. You can choose to not setup any keys. Technically that's okay. The keys will be filled in at the time the document is captured, but it leads to disorganization and may make it hard to find the document later.

Setting the keys (fields).
Click the edit (pencil) icon to edit individual fields.

Select the "Source" of the information used to populate the key.

- Undefined - No source is defined so the field will essentially not be used
- Barcode - (unimplemented by UM-D) The field will be filled in by a barcode read from the document itself.
- Literal - A value is typed into the "Value" box at the time the plan is written and will always be used to prepopulate the field.

- User Entry - The user supplies the value during the linking process while the document is being captured. This is one of the most common selections. The person who is linking the document gets the value from the document itself and enters it into the associated input box. Entering the student name and or ID is a typical example.
- Predefined List - You select or create a list from which the user selects one a value.
- Username (Current) - The field is filled in with the id of the current user logged in when the document is being captured.
- Username (Select) - The user can be selected from a list of all users or the users in a chosen security group.
- Current Date and Time - The field is filled with the date and time at which the application plan was chosen.
- Sequence Number - The next available number from a predefined named range. Currently all we have is one for Batch numbers. New ones can be created.
- Unique ID - A large number is created based on the date, time, and a large random number that will never be used again in the database. It can be used to insure that no two documents accidently get the same set of keys. (Unlikely anyway since the name is also unique. Assuming nobody changed the name).
- Allow Empty - The key or field can be left empty because it's optional information.
- User modifiable - The user can change the value that the application automatically place in the field.
- Remember last value - When numerous documents are being captured, and they have similar attributes then some typing can be saved by allowing Perceptive to insert the last value used. Avoid using for identifying fields like Student ID or Names. Some document will inevitably get mis-linked and be hard or impossible to find after the fact.
Lastly set the document type.
The document type does not refer to the format type of the document. Meaning, it's not used to specify PDF, TIF, or DOC. Instead it refers what the document being scanned is. For example Admissions Application, Tax Form, Cover Letter, Letter of Recommendation, etc.

Select the Source.
- Document Type - A specific document type or allow the user to pick from all know document types.
- Document Type List - The user must select a document type from a select list.
- Barcode - The document type is determined from a barcode on the document itself. (unimplemented)

Select the value.
If the source is a "Document Type" then the choices are:
- <<Please Select>> - The user can select ANY document type at the time of capture
- Or one of the existing document types - The document type will be set to the type selected.
- If the "User modifiable" check box is selected then the document type selected will act as a default, but can still be changed at the time of capture.
- If the "User modifiable" check box is not selected then the document type selected will restricted and cannot be changed afterward.

If the source is "Document Type List" then the choices are any of the predefined document lists or a new one. A document list is a specific set of documents. It ensures that the user selects an acceptable document type and not one that is incompatible with the application. For instance, if the application plan is for storing tax documents the document type list could be restricted to W-2, 1040, or some other tax form and not a cover letter or some other non tax related document.

Setting the Permissions
From the Application Plans/Applications tab select the application tab just created and click "Settings."

Select the "Security" Tab.
Click the "Add" button.

Select Users or Groups. Assigning permissions to users and groups is almost identical.
In the search box type the beginning of the group or user you are looking for. Then click "Search."
A list of users or groups that fits the search appears. Select the one you want to add and click "Add."
After adding all the desired users or groups click "OK" to save changes and close the dialog box.

Once you return to the Plan Settings box select one of the users or groups and set the privileges.
- Link Documents - User can create new document or relink document.
- Auto Create Folders - User can automatically create folder when document is linked
- We don't use folders so it's recommended to explicitly deny this to avoid accidents.
- View - User can run active screen's view action.
- There are scenarios, batch scanning usually, where a user may scan a document without looking at it and then be restricted from viewing it for security purposes.
- Manage - The user can edit the Application.

A green Check means that the user of group a explicit permission to the privilege.
A red "X" means that the user or group is explicitly restricted from the privilege.
A grey dot means that the privilege will be set to the default or inherited permission granted by any other group the user might be in.
Lastly, User rights over ride group rights.
For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:
Perceptive Content : Lists
Perceptive Content - Unable to Login - Server Disconnect
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