I need to scan student documents at the info desk.
Use Perceptive Content to scan documents into the Perceptive Content's batch folder.
Make sure the scanner is turned on.
Launch Perceptive Content if it isn't already running. Perceptive Content does time out and shut itself off, so it will have to be started at least once a day.

Login using the "UMD-Student Scanner" user credentials.
Get the password from someone else at the info desk or your supervisor.

- Place all the documents to be scanned for one specific student in the scanner.
- Repeat steps one through six for each student. So that they each have there own batch.
- The documents should be placed;
- Face down (the side to be scanned away from you)
- Head down (the top of the document pointing down)
- Click the Capture button. The scanner should start scanning automatically.

- The "Batch scan in progress" dialog box will pop up when the scanning starts.

- When all of the pages have been scanned a message box will pop up asking you if you want to continue or not.
- First write down the Batch Sequence number and give it to the student so that they have it for reference if there is a problem.
- If there is nothing else to scan for the student click "No". Everything will close up and you are done.
- If there are additional pages to scan insert them into the scanner and click "Yes."

- All of the dialog boxes will close. You can then start the next batch following the same procedure.
- If there is nothing else to scan leave Perceptive Content open for the next time.
For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:
Perceptive Content - Unable to Login - Server Disconnect
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