How do I add holds to a bunch of students in Banner, at one time.
A process has been developed to allow departments to apply holds, in bulk, onto student accounts, with minimal involvement from ITS, after initial setup. Each unit who requests access to bulk add holds in Banner will be given access to UC4 and a job will be created for them to insert holds.
Note: Please make sure that you are connected to VPN
- Enable VPN
- Start the UC4 Application
- Drop files to the server using WinSCP. Refer to this article
- File naming convention is as follows. {UNIT} should be replaced with the Department acronym that was used when the job was implemented:
- File contents should be a list of UMIDs with no header
4. Run the process in UC4
Process Details
For a specific unit, a UC4 job will be created with the following parameters:

The Job Name will always use the naming convention: GENERIC_HOLD_INSERT_{UNIT}.
Hold Code: For each unit, approved hold codes will be displayed when you click Select... Select the appropriate hold code to be inserted into Banner
Hold Description: Specify the text of the hold. This is the reason why the hold is being applied
Originator: This can be left as "SCRIPT" to signify a script added this hold to Banner. Units have the option of specifying the department that added the hold. The values in the select list come from STVORIG form in Banner. This form is configurable by the Registrar's office.
For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:
VPN Knowledgebase
Starting the UC4 Application
Uploading a File for UC4 Processing
Running a Process/Job in UC4
Still Need assistance? See the following related services:
Request UC4