Why are all of my PDF images and attachments opening in Microsoft Edge instead of Adobe Reader?
The earlier versions of Windows platforms (Windows 7 or Windows 8) have a universal PDF supported that allow opening PDF files using Acrobat Reader, Adobe Acrobat, or Foxit Reader, or similar programs. But after making an upgrade to Windows 10, PDF files are automatically opened in PDF Explorer even if the Acrobat Reader is installed on the machine.
On a Windows 10 device, to change the default program for opening PDFs to Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Click the Windows Start button > Settings.

- Find the Default Apps Menu.
- Window 10 Professional version 1607 and older:

- Window 10 Professional version 1703 and newer:

- Scroll to the bottom of the right column and click on Choose default apps by file type.
- Locate the .PDF file extension. To the right of this file type is the program that is currently set as default, or a box with a "+" sign in it that says Choose a default. Click on the program name or "+" box to assign a default app.

- When the Choose an app dialog box opens, click on Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.

- Test opening one of these files to make sure it uses the app you selected.
Note: If these steps did not work for you, please contact the ITS ServiceDesk with setting the default PDF reader as well as other Windows questions.
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