Our printers through Active Control Lists which allow users to access their network printers from any university owned machines they sign into. To be added to an Mcommunity print group for getting access to a specific printer, please see this service. Once you are in the Mcommunity print group, and after a brief wait of 15-20 minutes, follow these steps to connect to the printer. Additionally make sure you get the name of the printer and the model as well, this can be done by talking to someone in your office or by physically going to the printer itself and looking at it.
Setup Process
1. Using the Apple () icon in the top left, go to System Preferences and then Printers & Scanners. We can add devices via the Advanced menu. By default, the Advanced menu is not available. Right-click on the empty space between the Windows icon and the Search bar and select "Customize."

2. Once there, drag the Advanced gear into the toolbar.

3. With the Advanced menu option, we can directly link the Mac to a printer. The type should be changed to "Windows printer via spoolss." The device will remain as "Another Device."
When adding printers via Advanced, we need to specify the address of the printer server. It should follow this convention - "smb://umd-ps1.adsroot.itcs.umich.edu/[hostname of printer]"
In this example, we'll be using AB1075_Copier_Color again. The URL will be:
In the next box, the Name should be the name of the copier or printer we're adding. The location should follow a similar convention. Finally, under Use: Select "Select Software..." in order to pick the correct driver for the copier as we did earlier.*

**NOTE** If the driver is not available or does not work please use the Generic PostScript Printer driver from the drop down list.

After all of the information is filled out, press Add to add the printer to the Mac.
4. Verify that the user is has their Active Directory credentials cached on their Mac. Check the key icon at the top right hand corner of the screen, if they are not signed in have them sign in. Afterwards have them try to print to verify that it is working.

For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:
Printer Problem