Voicemail Box is Full Message


How do I clear messages when my Voicemail Box is Full?


The Cisco Unity Voicemail Server notifies users by email when their voice mailbox is nearing (or exceeds) the 50MB storage limit. If you need assistance in accessing the Cisco Unity voicemail mailbox to delete messages, and free up space in your mailbox, please follow the solution guide below. However, please note that deleting messages on your phone, will automatically remove them from the Cisco Unity Connection Web inbox.

You will need to know your PIN for either the Web Interface or the Phone. If you do not know your PIN, please request the following Service Voicemail Pin Reset


To clear up space in your Voicemail mailbox, you can follow one of the following access methods :

If you are accessing Unity Voicemail on a Phone.

  1. Press the messages button on the phone
  2. Select Option 2 for Visual Voicemail
  3. Enter your login credentials
        Note: If you have forgotten your PIN, please submit a "Voicemail Pin Reset" Request
  4. Use the applicable keys to review and delete messages

If you are accessing the Unity Voicemail Web Inbox:

The features that are available with the automated phone system, and for your desk phone, are also available on the web! The web application play button that allows you to listen to your messages (.wav) is supported by Firefox and Chrome.

Note : Note: If logging into the Web application for the first time, please use Internet Explorer or Firefox so that the system will prompt you to change your web password. Do not use Chrome.

Ensure you're on the UM-D VPN to access the voicemail site off-campus

1.     Use any supported web browser to connect to http://cucdb1.umd.umich.edu/inbox/

2.     Type user name.

  •  Your User Name is your 10-digit phone number (no spaces or dashes)

3. Type the password

Note: The Cisco PCA Password is the Cisco Unity password you were assigned or the new password you selected at set up. The password could be different than your voicemail PIN. If have If you can't remember your password, please submit a "Voicemail Pin Reset Request

4. Select a message, review and click delete.

Telecommunications analysts support telephone, data network, and video services. They also assist with Voicemail questions.


For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:

Order, Change, and/or Cancel VoIP Telephone Services

Still Need assistance? See the following related services:

Voicemail Pin Reset

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