How do I get a U-M Google Shared Account?
U-M Google Shared accounts (formally departmental accounts) are full service U-M Google accounts. This means that they are provisioned with all services, specifically mail and calendar, which will likely be utilized the most.
- Shared Accounts have a 15GB storage limit, which is separate from your individual account limit.
- Shared Accounts function as a normal Google account and can be used with all U-M Google apps (core and non-core, including YouTube).
- All email messages can be kept together in one mailbox, and individuals can send emails as the Shared Account from their individual U-M Google accounts using aliases.
- Group events can be scheduled by a Shared Account instead of an individual to prevent issues when someone on your team leaves the university.
Learn more about these accounts at this site.
These accounts are provisioned by the U-M Google team in Ann Arbor.
Note: If you are a student requesting a shared account for a student organization, it is recommend to have it submitted by your faculty/staff adviser.
Requests for U-M Google accounts can be submitted using the Shared Account Request Form
Shared accounts must be 9 characters or greater and we suggest following the naming scheme.
Departmental Account Email address (e.g. Deptprefix-Specifics )
Display Name
An Example of a Shared U-M Google Account would be:
Departmental Account Email address =
Display Name = UM-Dearborn ITS Operations
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