How do I sync my new UMICH password on my UM-Dearborn Windows device?
After resetting a UMICH password via, the new password works for weblogin, but:
- Windows is still accepting only the previous password
- Share/network drives are inaccessible
- A message appears, prompting to lock & unlock Windows to re-sync passwords
- Office 365 is prompting for re-activation
Some messages may include the following:

This message can occur if a password has been reset, but either the new one is being entered incorrectly, or is not synced properly on device.

This message can occur if a password has been reset, but you are currently logged into your Windows computer with your old password.
On campus, connected to a campus network
If on campus, and connected to a campus network, simply locking the machine & unlocking with the new password should allow the computer to sync the new password.
Off and on campus
If the password was changed off the umich network, your old password would not have updated on your local device. You would need to follow these steps to sync the password.
- Verify that GlobalConnect VPN is connected
- When clicking on the Global Protect icon in the taskbar, it should indicate "Connected"
- Lock the computer by pressing Windows Key + L or via the Start Menu, then unlock the computer by entering the new credentials.
NOTE: If Global Protect is not functioning, or you need additional information, please contact the UM-Dearborn Service Desk for assistance.
For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:
Changing a UMICH Password
Still need assistance? See the following related services:
Problems with UM-Dearborn affiliated account