Windows 10 - Free up Disk Space


How do I free up disk space?



Provide a brief overview of the problem.


  1. Click Start Menu
  2. Type in This PC and select "This PC" from the choices

  1. Under Devices and Drives, your space available will appear for you computer (usually c: drive)

Search for files that are using the most space

  1. Under This PC in the left pane, select a folder to see what files are present
  • Your largest files usually would reside under Music, Pictures and Downloads
  1. In the menu above,
    1. Select the View tab and select Details
    2. Click Sort by and select size
    3. Click Sort by and descending
  2. Deleted un-needed items
  3. Empty your trash once you have completed clean-up.
  4. Re-check your space.

For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:

Windows 10

How to Install Software on U-M Managed Windows 10 PCs Through the Software Center

Still need assistance? See the following related services:

Image Computer - Windows OS

Network Share Drives

Software Installation

Troubleshoot Computer Problem

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