I want to join Hyland Community to get access to Perceptive Content Training.
An account needs to be created to access training materials provided to the University of Michigan by Hyland.
Visit the portal page* to join Hyland Community.
- Click on the "Create your Hyland ID" link.

- Fill out the form that pops up.
- Make sure to save the password you choose to someplace safe.
- Use the name "University of Michigan" for the organization name.
- Do not include any reference to Dearborn.
- Dearborn has it's own portal. You do not want to be accidentally added to it.
- It's only for ITS and does not include training.

- You'll see this pop up.

- You'll eventually get an email like this. It's only a notification and you don't have to do anything in response.

- Eventually you will get this email.
- It may take up to two days
- The email is requesting and HSI number.
- Be sure to reply with "28069"

- You will eventually receive this email notifying you that you have been approved.
- Again, it make take a day or two because this is not handled by automation.

You can now access the
Hyland Community site which looks like this.
Login and explore the training content

For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:
List links to related Knowledge Base categories.
(Note: If you don’t have any information for this section the KB Team will fill this in during review.)
Still Need assistance? See the following related services:
List links to related Service Catalog categories.
(Note: If you don’t have any information for this section the KB Team will fill this in during review.)