Accessing UC4 using MiDesktop


How do I access UC4 using MiDesktop?


MiDesktop is a software application that allows you to use a virtual machine with the UMD-image for when you're working from home or just can't make it to the university that day. UC4 is an application that allows for the scheduling of Banner jobs and custom scripts that require automated processes.


  1. Go to the MiDesktop website:
  2. Once there, click "VMware Horizon HTML Access" (you can check the button to skip this step in the future). Note, if you install the VMware Horizon client you will need to add the server, which is

  3. Login using your university credentials.
  4. Once logged in, click on "UMD-BANNERUSERS".

  5. On the desktop there should be a shortcut titled "UC4 Cient". Double click it.

  6. Application should start.
  7. Once you get to this screen, assuming you have the credentials for it, select which environment you wish to use (Typically BANP, production) and enter your Umich credentials to log into UC4 (same as your email).  

For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:

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