Student Uniqnames


As a student, how do I get a Uniqname?


As a new student, you will receive an email with instructions on setting up your Uniqname. Your uniqname is your personal University of Michigan identifier, and is the basis for all login access. Along with your passwords, it authorizes or "authenticates"  you to many University systems in Dearborn and Ann Arbor. It is also part of your email address (

Your uniqname is assigned a UMICH Password, which is used for gaining access to systems which require authentication through the UM-Ann Arbor servers. This includes access to email, computers in the labs and classrooms, Wolverine Access and on-line courses using Canvas. Your uniqname is also used for authentication when you wish to update your directory entry in the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor's MCommunity directory.


New Students

Students who never had a uniqname through the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Flint, or Dearborn campuses)

  • The email for accessing the Uniqname creation will be sent after you have been admitted as a student.
  • The email will contain a link that is specific to your account creation, and is only active for a short period of time.  If you do not create your account in the given time-frame, the system will send you an email with a new link, and the old one will be invalid. 
  • If you have not received your Unqname creation link by the start of classes, please contact the ITS Service Desk, and a link can be generated for you.

Returning Students

Students who were previously enrolled at University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Flint, or Dearborn campuses) will continue to use their existing uniqname, and will not be issued a new one.

  • If you do not recall what your uniqname is, you can attempt to look it up using the Uniqname Setup Tool. Note: the information you provide must match your university record. If it does not match, you will need to contact the ITS ServiceDesk for further assistance. 

Terminating Access to Inactive Accounts

Students who graduate from UM Dearborn become alumni and therefore maintain a life-long relationship with the university.  An affiliation of "alumni" is added to their MCommunity Directory profile after they graduate.  Alumni will retain access to their university email.

Former students who have completed at least one term of a degree-granting are eligible for alumni status but must make a request to do so.  For more information, please visit


For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:

Changing a UMICH Password


Still Need assistance? See the following related services:

Problem with account

UMICH Login Password Reset


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