How do I operate the AV in ELB 1321 / 1329 or 2380 / 2382 / 2390 / 2392
ELB 1321 and 1329: Standard instructional space utilizing a touch panel for AV control.
ELB 2380/2382: A larger instructional space that can be split into two individual instructional spaces. Utilizes a touch panel for AV control.
ELB 2390 and 2392: Standard instructional space utilizing a touch panel for AV control.
Room Features
Windows 11 PC, Projector, TVs, BYOD (HDMI, VGA, DisplayPort), lapel mic, Camera, and microphone, PS752 Document Camera
General Room Operation
To turn on the AV equipment in the room, press the button on the touch panel.
Note: The layout of the touch panel buttons will change depending on which mode the room is in.
- PC (Default): Projects image from instructor station PC to the projector
- VGA: Projects computer screen to the TVs/Projector using BYOD VGA cable
- HDMI: Projects computer screen to the TVs/Projector using BYOD HDMI cable
- DisplayPort: Projects computer screen to TVs/Projector using BYOD DisplayPort cable
- Display Mute: Temporarily stop projecting computer to TVs/Projector
- Program Audio: Room speaker volume
- Lectern Audio: Volume of instructor station microphone output
- Projector On/Off: Turns on the projector
Explanation of Room Modes
There are two modes that change how the room functions and can be switched by pressing the "Room Mode" button on the touch panel.
Touch Panel Layout- Active Mode

Explanation of Wall Modes
Note: This setting is only present in ELB 2380/2382
WARNING: Changing the settings of the wall mode is not advised. Only change the setting if half of the classroom TVs power on.
Closed Wall- The room configuration will change to reflect 2380/2382 is split into two classrooms.
Touch Panel Layout- Closed Wall Mode

Touch Panel Layout- Open Mode

How to Change Wall Mode:
NOTE: You will need to make sure the system is OFF before the option to change wall mode will become available
Turn off the system from the touch panel.
Press and hold the Active/Wall Mode button (Bottom Right Corner) to swap between the two modes.

Accessing Additional Software- AppsAnywhere
- AppsAnywhere is a web-portal is being used at UM-Dearborn to offer some software titles on a demand basis across campus. As the library of titles grows, more software will be available in more places.
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