Archiving Content for CECS by Copier


How do I scan and archive documents for CECS?


Use the multifunction copier in CECS to scan the documents and then import them into Perceptive using one of the workstations at the reception desk in the CECS Advising Office.


  1. Scan the documents.
    1. Turn on or wake up the copier in the copier room behind the CECS Advising Office reception area.
    2. Press the "Home" button if you don't see the screen below.
      Copier Panel. Home Button

    3. Press the "Workflow Scanning" buttons.
      Copier Panel: Select Workflow Scanning
    4. Press the "Default" button.
      Copier Panel: Pick a Workflow popup box
    5. Press the third button with the "paper clip" icon. The text next to it, in this example, "DOC", is what the document will be named after it is scanned. We are going to change it.
       Copier Panel: Name Document
    6. Type in the document name. Use the UMID number of the student whose documents you are scanning. You should scan all documents for a student at once. If for any reason you scan additional documents for a student, use the same id followed bay a dash ("-"). The scanner will automatically add an index number to file if another with the same name already exists.Copier Panel: Type Name into Popup Form
    7. Press the "2-Sided Scanning" button if any of the pages are two sided. Copier Panel: 2-Sided Scanning Option
    8. Select two sided scanning as needed. Copier Panel: 2-Sided Scanning Options
    9. Select "Remove Blank Pages." Turn this off only if there are any light pages that the copier is mistaking for blanks. 
      Copier Panel: Select 2-Sided Scanning Option
    10. Place the documents in the paper feeder face up, and press the "Scan" buttonCopier Panel: Scan Button
    11. The scanning process looks like the screens below.Copier Panel: Scanning in Process
    12. When the screen clears repeat the process for the remaining documents.
  2. Induct them into Perceptive.
    1. Use the file browser to open the drop folder.
      \\\groups\scanner-dropoff\umd-dms-engin-advising.Screen Shot of Drop Folder for the Scans
    2. Drag the icon to the desktop to create a shortcut for easier access in the future. 
      (You should only ever have to do this once.)
      Screen Shot of Drag and Drop to create Shortcut
    3. Launch Perceptive Contentby clicking the icon on the desktop or Start menu.
      Perceptive Content Icon
    4. From the Application Plan drop down select "CECS Archiving."
      Screen Shot: Application Plan Selection

      A Perceptive View window like this will appear. This is a list of the documents in the CECS Archiving Drawer that you have added. If there is only one document, Perceptive will, annoyingly, open it in a preview window. If this happens close that window to get back to the View window.
      Screen Shot: Application Plan View

    5. Drag the file from the folder to the View window.
      Screen Shot: Drag to View
    6. The Indexing window will popup.
      1. Select "CECS Archiving" from the application plan dropdown.
      2. Check the box "Use as default application plan." So that CECS Archiving will be the default in the drop down box.
      3. Click the "Key" Icon. Some values may change to the application plan defaults.
      4. Enter the student's UMID for the documents you are adding.
      5. The field "Student folder" is optional. Leave as "General Materials" unless instructed otherwise.
      6. The field "CECS Program Code" is optional. Leave as "Unspecified" unless instructed otherwise.
      7. Enter the Last Name.
      8. Enter the First Name.
      9. Click the "OK" Button.Screen Shot: Linking Dialog Box
    7. A preview panel will pop-up. It shows the document to make sure that there aren't any issues. This is mostly for other users who are verifying scan quality of scanned documents.
      Screen Shot: Preview
    8. If the properties aren't visible, turn them on using the "View" menu.
      Screen Shot: Show Properties
    9. Verify the indexing values you entered, and correct if needed.
      1. Click the upper "disc" icon to save document to Perceptive.
      2. Don't click this icon. It's to save a PDF copy to you local computer, not Perceptive.
      3. Close out the preview when done.
        Screen Shot: Save and Close
    10. The View window is updated, and the document is added to the list of other documents. If needed, double click the document to open the preview panel and make corrections.
      Screen Shot: Updated document list
    11. Delete the scan file.
      Now that the document is in Perceptive, delete the file that was just added. This is extremely inportant. Failure to do so may lead to duplicate documents, or much worse, missing documents. 
      Screen Shot: File Browser, files to delete
    12. Repeat for additional documents.

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This article describes the process for arching documents in CECS by using the multifunction copier in the CECS Advising Office (ELB 1088).

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Article ID: 144952
Wed 3/22/23 10:41 AM
Thu 5/16/24 2:28 PM