Accessing Minitab in the Cloud


How do I access Minitab as a UMICH student/faculty/staff member?


Minitab will now be available in the cloud.  This new service allows users to access the software via Minitab’s online portal. Faculty and students will be able access the software using any modern operations system including Windows, MacOS, and Chrome using a web browser. If you can access the Internet, then you can use the software. There will no longer be a need to install Minitab.


If you are unable to login or access Minitab, please submit a Minitab Cloud Service access request. 


Login to Minitab in the Cloud

1. Go to

2. Sign in with your University email address

3. If Prompted, select the University Of Dearborn - SSO option

4. Complete the Weblogin Process

5. You are now able to use Minitab in the cloud.


Installing Minitab Locally (Window Devices Only)

If you are on a 64-bit Windows machine and would like to download the Minitab software to your computer and use it locally please do the following:

1. Click Manage Account


2. Click Minitab Statistical Software under My Products

3. Click Download Desktop App.


4. Run the downloaded executable and follow the prompts. When asked how you want to activate the software, select "Activate with a license".

5. For licensing method, select "Sign In".

6. Follow the prompts to complete the install.

7. When starting the locally installed Minitab software, you will be prompted to sign-in to the license portal. Once again, use your University email address, click Next, and complete the Weblogin with your usual credentials. 

For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:


Still Need assistance? See the following related services:

Minitab Cloud Service

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Article ID: 135540
Wed 9/1/21 9:09 AM
Fri 9/6/24 1:05 PM