Signing into Windows 10 with Fingerprint Authetication


Can I use my fingerprint scanner to log into my University Laptop? 


Windows 10 has the functionality to unlock using a biometric fingerprint scan.  If your laptop has a fingerprint scanner, and you'd like to be able to sign-in with it, ITS will need to configure the setting on your computer, and then you can follow these steps to enable to sign-in. 


  1. Open Settings > Accounts > Sign-in Options.  Then select "Windows Hello Fingerprint
  2. Click Setup
  3. Click Get Started and follow the on-screen instructions.  You will have to scan your fingerprint several times, and setup a PIN to associate with the fingerprint. 
  4. When you're finished, you can lock your computer, press crt+alt+del, and swipe your fingerprint to unlock your computer. 


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