I need to create a Capture Profile on my workstation so I can import documents using Perceptive Experience.
Before you can import a file or scan a document into Perceptive Content you need to create a Capture Profile so that the application will know where and how to store the document. To create a Capture Profile you will need management rights and an Application Plan. A Source Profile will be helpful too, but that can be created during the process of building the Capture Profile.
This type of capture profile is not to be confused with ones that can be created from the "Capture" drop-down. Those capture profiles are only available in the desktop application and on the workstation on which it was created. They are very similar, but ones created from the "Capture" drop-down are not available in Perceptive Experience.
Launch the Perceptive Content Desktop application.
Open the Management Console.

Select the "Default" department.

Select the "Capture" item in the left side navigation tree.
Then click the "New" dropdown and select "ExternalScanner..." This is the proper choice for scanning and importing files from disk.

Give the profile a name and description.

Select an existing Source Profile. Unless you're creating a capture profile for a specific piece of hardware the "Generic Import From Disk" profile should work for any of your needs.

Select and Application Plan. You have to create this ahead of time. The Application Plan determines what drawer the document will be saved to and what keys will be used to identify the document.
Click the "Next" button.

If you are an advanced user you can add a workflow to the capture. A workflow is a form of automation that forwards the document to different people or processes to be approved, linked, read, store or etc.
For now leave as is and just click "Next"

The next screen summerizes the choice made for the profile. If everything looks OK click "Finish."

The new profile now appears in the list of Capture Profiles.

To set the permissions select the profile that was just created and click the "Modify" button.

Setting permissions for Users and Groups is identical so the example will just show Groups.
Type in the first letter or two of the group that needs permissions and click the "Search" button to filter down to a list of groups that start with the text that was entered.
Select the desired group from the list and click the "Add" button. The selected group will be added to list in the bottom of the box.
Click "OK" to close the dialog box.

Select the "Security" tab and then select one of Users or Groups.
The list of possible privileges will be listed below. Select one to change.
Clicking on the icon in front of the privilege will change it from Nothing to Plus to Minus.
Nothing means the permission will be set to the existing default.
A check mark means that the permission is explicitly allowed.
A minus sign means that the permission is explicitly refused.
User permissions override group permission. Meaning if a user is in a group that is restricted from a privilege, but as a user is given explicit permission to the same privilege the right; then the user does have the privilege. Again, the rights of the USER override the rights of the GROUP.
Click "OK" when you're done.

The Capture Profile has been set and will be avaialble for a Source Profile when it is created.
For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:
Perceptive Content : Lists
Perceptive Content - Unable to Login - Server Disconnect
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