Accessibility Products Installed on Campus computers


What disability products are on campus lab and staff computers.


The following products are on campus lab and staff computers:

  1. JAWS

       JAWS, (Job Access Wityh Speech), allows visually impaired users to access Windows computers using audio output and keyboard commands.
  2. ZoomText

      ZoomText provides options that make text and cursors easier to see for Windows users.
  3. Read/Write Gold

    Read & Write for Windows interface directly with word processors and browsers, which can provide flexibility than stand-alone programs like Kurzweil 300. It also includes Screenshot Reader, which allows audio reading of text formats that are otherwise not accessible.


All labs supported by ITS have available for download JAWS, ZoomText and Read and Write Gold from the Software Center.

Read and Write Gold can be obtain in our Software Store (requires UMICH Dropbox)

Additional Notes

There are special stations situated across campus for patrons needing access to accessibility enabled machines. These are located in the following areas:

  • Pneumatic stations (raised and lowered to the height of the user), located in the open lab area of the library (ML 1100 & 2100) and in HPEC 1170
  • There is also a station with speakers and a station with a high visibility keyboard for users with visual impairment located in ML 1100

For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:


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Wed 7/25/18 10:46 AM
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