Managing Sensitive Data & Discovery Report


How do I see my Sensitive Data Discovery Report and resolve a alert?


If you have received an email regarding your Sensitive Data Discovery report, please review the information below to resolve it. To see your Sensitive Data Discovery report please click here Sensitive Data Detections.

If you have received a Sensitive Data Discovery report email then that means you have at least one case of having sensitive data files on one or more of your devices. There are many different types of sensitive data. A full list can be found here Sensitive Data Guide to IT Services I will list a few commonly known ones below:

  • Credit Card or Payment Card
  • Personally Identifiable Information
  • Protected Health Information
  • Social Security Numbers
  • Student Education Records

Along with the different types of sensitive data there is also a classification level associated with it. Which ranges from Restricted, High, Moderate and Low but that is not necessarily what is important. What is important is where this data is allowed to be located at. So it is not about what the data is but where it is located. If the data is located in a place that it should not be then you will get an alert about it which will require you to take the appropriate action. So for this article we will focus on one type of sensitive data: Social Security Numbers, click on the link for more information: Social Security Numbers

Sensitive Data: Social Security Numbers
Data Classification Level: High

We will only focus on the permitted and not permitted places to focus on how to resolve the issue. If you are interested in getting permitted with IA consultation, please contact the ITS Service Center


Now that you have a understanding of the permitted and not permitted locations we can go about resolving this issue.


Here are some options on how to resolve the issues

1. Move the sensitive data from the Not Permitted location to a Permitted location. Then delete the file from the Not Permitted location.

2. Delete the file from the Not Permitted location.

3. Get approval from an IA consultation to move the file to one of the IA Permitted locations. Then delete the file from the Not Permitted location.

Lastly there could be a situation where the file is on a permitted location but it is synced, through dropbox or google drive, to a not permitted location. In that case you must remove that file or folder from being synced to the device.

For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:

List links to related Knowledge Base categories.

(Note: If you don’t have any information for this section the KB Team will fill this in during review.)

Still need assistance? See the following related services:

Sensitive Data Guide to IT Services

Safe Computing

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Article ID: 146264
Thu 6/22/23 1:29 PM
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