Launch sunapsis Application


How do I log into sunapsis Admin?


sunapsis is software used by the Office of International Affairs and it acts as a bridge between Banner and the SEVIS Immigration system.  The software is used for compliance tracking and immigration document management with international students and scholars.

sunapsis 4.1 changed how users login to the software.  Rather than having java dependencies and re-downloading the application every time you login; you now use a sunapsis launcher.  The sunapsis launcher is downloaded once, and you can run sunapsis through this launcher.


First-Time Setup

  1. Login to the sunapsis environment
  2. Click Launch Application on the left navigation
  3. Click Download the Windows launcher x.x.x for sunapsis: International Office Module.  Admin rights is not needed for this installation.
  4. Run the downloaded file and click Next for all prompts.

Launching sunapsis

  1. Open the sunapsis Launcher from the Start Menu
  2. If you do not see our environments Test and/or Prod: 
    1. Click on the Available Versions tab
    2. For the school's sunapsis URL, use either of the following: 
      • Test:
      • Prod:
    3. Click Load Available Versions
    4. Click Launch Sunapsis
    5. Going forward, you can access these sites from the Load Past Launches of sunapsis tab.
  3. If you see the environment that you wish to use, then click Launch sunapsis​​​​​​​.
  4. You will be asked to login with your UMICH credentials.

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