Administrative Account Request


This service is used to request access administrative rights on a UM-Dearborn managed computer. Please review our knowledge base article on responsible use of administrative rights: Administrative Rights on UM-Dearborn Computers.

Administrative accounts requests will be reviewed by UM-Dearborn ITS Operations staff for approval before being granted. Additionally, research assistants, graduate instructors, or student employees will need to provide their advisor or supervisor for their approval of this request.


This service is available to UM-Dearborn faculty and staff. GSRAs, GSIs, and temporary employees may also request this service but will need to provide their advisor or supervisor for approval.

This service also requires the UM-Dearborn asset tag of the computer that administrative rights are being requested for. It is typically "UMD-00####" and can be found either on the machine as a label, through "About Your PC" in Windows, or under System Settings > General > About on macOS.

Need other assistance? See the following related services:

Request Service

Related Articles (1)

This article outlines the terms and conditions for administrative rights on a UM-Dearborn computer.

Attachments (0)

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