IR Project Request

Thank you for contacting the Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness (IRE). Our office conducts compliance reporting to the U.S. Department of Education, State of Michigan, and several institutional and programmatic accrediting agencies. In addition, IRE receives numerous internal and external requests for data and information. To meet regulatory requirements and serve our numerous constituents, we ask that you allow at least four weeks for your request to be processed. With few exceptions, projects are prioritized on a first-in, first-out basis.

To begin the process, please click "Request Service" on the right menu of this page.

If you are requesting a WebFocus report or dashboard, please submit your request using the link here

If you work outside of the University of Michigan-Dearborn, please email your data request to Please include your name and contact information, a description of what you need and why you need it (please be as detailed as possible), a requested due date, and anyone within the University who may be familiar with your request.

The office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness publishes data on our website and the information you are requesting may be already available to you. Please check the IRE website prior to submitting your request.

Request Service

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