Request Access to WebFocus or a Report


Allows for running reports on data from Banner, Degree Works, UM-Ann Arbor Data Warehouse, and other systems. This request is also used for obtaining access to the Advisor Enrollment History (AEH) report. Click ​​"Request Service" to get started with your request for access to a reporting application.


Any employee or faculty may request access to a reporting application. Through the processing of the access request, your supervisor will be required to approve the access, in order for access to be granted.

MyLinc Training

Access to WebFocus is only given after completion of the following MyLinc Modules:

  1. Dearborn FERPA & Data Security
  2. DCE101 U-M Data Protection and Responsible Use

Need other assistance? See the following related services:

WebFOCUS Report Request

Request Service

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