How do I schedule a meeting with Zoom?
This will show you how to schedule a meeting and invite others. First you should have already created your account, if you have please see the additional information at the bottom of the page. Zoom accounts are available to all U-M faculty, staff, students, and sponsored affiliates (individual accounts)
1. Navigate to the University of Michigan Zoom page at and click Sign in using your umich uniqname and kerberos password.

2. After logging in click on Schedule a New Meeting

3. Schedule your meeting, all the standard options are available, the options are similar to other scheduling services. Additional options are towards the bottom, after you have everything configured click save.

4. Your meeting has been scheduled! It will now will show up on your Upcoming Meetings page, but you still need to invited participants or send out the invites so click on the meeting to get that information.

5. From here you can get the link to send to participants, Join URL, or use Copy the Invitation both of these can be pasted in an email. Additionally you can add it to your Google Calendar if necessary.
You are all set and ready to start your meeting!
For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:
Zoom Teleconferencing: Adding Scheduling Privileges for Meetings
Still Need assistance? See the following related services:
Video Teleconferencing Applications Comparison