Windows 10 Upgrade



How do I upgrade Windows 10 to the most recent UM-D supported version?


Microsoft releases new versions of Windows 10 routinely. The University has provided the ability to upgrade to the current supported version of Windows 10 via the Software Center

Be aware that the upgrade process will take time and your computer will be forced to reboot several times.

During this process do not unplug or force shutdown, this could lead to your computer to become unusable, requiring a return to campus for data backup and re-imaging


  1. Please run the update at a convenient time as it can take up to 90 minutes to complete. 

  2. If on a laptop, please connect the power adapter.

  3. Although a successful update will not impact your data, you should consider performing a backup of your most important files.

Start Upgrade Process

  1. Search for the Software Center program in your Start Menu. You can also find it on your Desktop.

  1. On the left pane, select Operating Systems
  2. Select Windows 10 Upgrade (e.g. Win20H2 20210928_1515-UPGRADE)

  1. Click Install

  1. Click Install

  1. Installation should start

  1. Several windows will appear during this process and there will likely be several reboots. 


  1. When the upgrade process has completed, you should be provided with a logon screen.

  1. Please be sure to contact ITS Service Desk for any questions or errors you may have noticed. 



1. If there is more than one user of the computer, be sure that no other accounts are signed in. You can check this from the "Users" tab in the task manager.

2. Power cycle the machine.

For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:

Windows 10 - Adding a Network Printer

Windows 10 - Pinning Programs to the Taskbar

Windows 10 - Scanning For Viruses/Malware

Windows 10 - Signing Out/Shutting Down

Windows 10 - Software Center User Guide

Windows 10 Awareness Guide

Still Need assistance? See the following related services:

Troubleshoot Computer Problem



Article ID: 136182
Sun 10/10/21 3:33 PM
Thu 5/16/24 4:14 PM