This application will show a crisis communication alert (see image below) on the computer/device screen when a life threatening situation is in progress on campus (active attacker) or a potentially dangerous event may impact the campus (severe weather). If an alert appears on your screen please read immediately and follow the instructions given. Clicking the 'Acknowledge' button on an active alert will clear it from your screen (only acknowledge if you are in a secure area, of course).
Alertus is installed on all campus devices, and is available for download and installation here.
For Windows devices, please download and run this file.
1. Download alertus_desktop.msi
2. Double click on it to run it.

3. You may then see this window, letting you know that the software is not packaged by Microsoft, and requires authentication to run. Click on more info to have the option to run.

4.Once you click on run, the program will go through the process of installing, and Alertus will be running in the background of your computer.

For Mac devices, please download and run this file.
1. Download dmg
2. Click to mount
3. Run alertus.pkg

4. Follow the on-screen instructions for installation
5. If your Mac is password protected, you will be prompted to enter your admin credentials, and the application will install