Computer Lab locations


Computer Lab locations around campus.



Where are Computer Labs located on Campus?


UM-Dearborn ITS public computer labs offer the campus community access to computing resources and a variety of software in support of learning, scholarship and creative endeavors at UM-Dearborn.

Additionally, virtual labs can be accessed remotely by going (please see this KB for more information on how to login).


Below is a list of  Computer Labs located on Campus. 

Main Computer Lab Locations : All Main labs have B&W printers and Windows-based computers.

  • Color printers are available at ML 1st and 2nd floor open labs, HPEC 1170, FCS 190, & SSB 1430
  • Scanners are available at ML 1st and 2nd floor open labs


Note: During Emergency Campus closures, some labs will be closed or have reduced hours. 


Lab Location

Fall & Winter Hours

Summer Hours

ML Labs

1st Floor Open Lab

 2nd Floor Open Lab

Mon - Thur: 9am - 10pm

Friday: 9am-6pm

Sunday: 12pm-10pm

 Mon - Thur: 8am - 9pm

Friday: 8 am - 6pm 

Sunday: 12pm - 6pm


HPEC 1180

HPEC 1190

Mon - Thurs 8 am - 9pm 

Friday: 8 am  - 5 pm  

Mon - Thurs 8am - 9pm 

Friday: 8 am  - 5 pm  


FCS 190

Mon - Thur: 9am - 9pm

Friday: 10 am- 5 pm

Mon - Thur 8am - 9pm

Friday: 8 am - 5 pm



Lab Locations : Equipment, and hours at these lab locations vary. For an overview of Printers and Computers in these areas, please see the  UPRINT Printer release station and Computer locations KB


Lab Location


 CB 1008

Open Lab

 CB 1001

Open Lab

 CB 2046 Math PC Lab

 Mathematics PC Lab

 CB 2048 Math Mac Lab

 Mathematics Mac Lab

 CB 2076 Math Learning   Center

 Math Learning Center

 CB 3017 Honors Lounge

 CASL Honors Student Lounge

 CB 3034 Communications Lab

 Communications Mac Lab

 CB 3035 Writing Center

 Writing Center

 CB 3048 Composition 1 Lab

 Composition 1 Lab

 CB 3049 Composition 2 Lab

 Composition 2 Lab

 CB 3065 Modern Lang Lab

 Modern Languages Lab

 CB 3001

Open Lab

 CB 4073 Bev Sci Lab

 Behavioral Sciences Lab

 CB 4001

Open Lab

ELB 2026

 Classroom Lab

 FCS 190 CEHHS Lab

 College of Education, Health, & Human Services Lab

 FCS 194 CEHHS Lab

 College of Education, Health, & Human Services Lab

 FCS Dining Room A

Open Lab

 HPEC 1170 


 HPEC 1180 CAD Lab

Open Lab

 HPEC 1190 CECS Teaching Lab

 Teaching Lab

NSBS 1146 Natural Science Lab

Natural Science Lab

 SSB 2220

Open Lab

SSB 1430 Open Lab

Open study area

 RUC Infodesk Open Lab

 Near RUC Info Desk

For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:

UPRINT Printer release station and Computer locations

Remotely Access UM-Dearborn Computer Labs via MiDesktop

Still Need assistance? See the following related services:

Equipment Malfunction







Article ID: 43001
Wed 11/22/17 9:28 AM
Fri 10/18/24 11:18 AM