Getting Access to Office Printers


Learn how to get access to Office Printers



How can I get the office printer setup on my computer?


Printers are mostly connected to workstations via a print server, currently UMD-PS1.  The printers are deployed automatically using group policy in most areas. Thus, in almost all situations, there is no need to manually install network printers. 

To get access to a printer, you must be added to a special printer Access Control List (ACL). Access to printers is handled by someone in the department where the printer is located.


Please choose from the following 2 scenarios:

1. If you are a Staff/Faculty member needing access to a printer.

Your department admin can add you as a member to the associated MCommunity Printer Group. Please contact them first for assistance. Once you are added, please wait 15-20 minutes for access to replicate.

Note: On Windows Devices, the printers will appear after a reboot. If on a Mac, please see the following guide on adding Printers on MacOS

2. If you are a dept admin needing to add someone to a printer.

  1. Log in to the MCommunity Directory and click My Groups
  2. Click the appropriate print group for which you want to add a member.
  3. Click Add Members in the membership section of the Group page.
  4. Type the uniqname of the member you want to add in the U-M Member field
  5. Click Save.


For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:

macOS - Adding a Network Printer

Windows 10 - Adding a Network Printer

Still Need assistance? See the following related services:

Printer Access

New Printer

Printer Problem






Article ID: 42845
Mon 11/20/17 9:38 AM
Thu 5/16/24 4:38 PM