Azure Software for Students View Key Error



After selecting software from the portal Azure software for Students, you select view Key and you receive an error:

Sorry but our systems are a detecting a problem with your account and we are unable to validate your access (Transaction Id: ****). Please contact support for more information 



Provide a brief overview of the problem.

Insert Details about the hardware, software, service, resource, or relevant background information


  1. On the left pane, under Need help?, click on Support
  2. In Software Support, click Student Software Support
  3. Fill out and submit form


For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:

List links to related Knowledge Base categories.

(Note: If you don’t have any information for this section the KB Team will fill this in during review.)

Still Need assistance? See the following related services:

List links to related Service Catalog categories.

(Note: If you don’t have any information for this section the KB Team will fill this in during review.)