How to install software from the Azure Education Hub?
This is a quick start guide for installing software from the Azure Education Hub.
Note: If you have a Mac, Microsoft Project and Visio are not compatible. You will need to use a UM-Dearborn Lab Computer or MiDesktop.
To start using the Azure Education Hub:
- Go to:
- Log in using your
- Select "Work or School Account"
- Type your UMICH Password
Note: If this is your first time logging into Azure, you will need to verify your account and accept terms and conditions.
Downloading & Installing Software:
Select Software in the left pane.
In the search box, type in the name of the software you require (Project, Visio, SQL Server...).
Click on the link of the software.
On the right pane, if there is a View Key, click it and record/copy the product key. Keep somewhere safe.
At bottom, click ‘Download’ to begin downloading your software.
Go to the location of where you saved the downloaded file (on Windows Devices, it should be defaulting to the Downloads folder).
Right-Click the downloaded file and select mount.
A new window should pop up. If it does not, please look for the new drive letter that was created.
Double-click Setup to start install.
Once it is done, click Close.
Reboot your computer.
Log back in and start Application (i.e. Project, Visio...)
You should get a window that ask to Sign in to activate Office.
Click on either “Enter product key instead” or "I don't want to sign-in or create an account" at the bottom.
Enter the product key you recorded earlier.
Click Activate Office.

For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:
To start using Azure Dev Tools for Teaching
Please go to: tools for teaching
And login using:
Still Need assistance? See the following related services:
Please visit this link for assistance for frequent issues: