Phishing Email


 What do I do if I get a suspicious email or if I responded to a suspicious email?


Phishing is an online attempt to gain sensitive information (login info, credit card details, money, etc.). Criminals use malicious email to gain access to your personal and financial information, as well as sensitive university information and U-M resources. They also use these to infect computers with ransomware. 


You can report suspicious emails you receive at your university email account (U-M Google or Michigan Medicine Outlook) to the university.

For phishes that appear to impersonate a U-M address or service, send the entire message—with full email headers if possible—to If you use U-M Google Mail, you can also report the phish to Google by using the report phishing option.

Note to U-M Google Mail users: If your message is rejected when you try report spam or phishing to, please try the following:

  1. In the message you would like to report, click the down arrow next to the Reply arrow and select Show original.
  2. In the Original Message screen, click Download Original to download the page as a .txt file.
  3. Compose a new message, attach the file you downloaded, and send the new message and attachment to

Reference “Spam, Phishing, and Suspicious Email” on the Safe Computing website.

For additional information, check these categories in the Knowledge Base:


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